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This book is the second volume of a series about Submerged Greek Literature (G. Colesanti, M. Giordano [eds.], Submerged Literature in Ancient Greek Culture. An Introduction, Berlin/Boston, 2014). It provides case studies on several genres (e.g. oracles, phlyax play, epigrams, Aesopic fables, periplus, mysteries, medical treatises, dance, music) from the archaic to the Hellenistic and Imperial period of the Greek culture., This book is the second volume of a series dedicated to exploring the role of "Submerged Literature?" in ancient Greek culture. It provides case studies on several genres (e.g., oracles, phlyax plays, epigrams, Aesopic fables, periplus, mysteries, medical treatises, dance, music) from the archaic to the Hellenistic and Imperial period of Greek culture.

Case Studies Volume 2 (2016, Hardcover) by ebook DJV

The result is a beautifully illustrated, masterfully composed love letter to the animal kingdom., Sacred cows, wily serpents, fearsome lions, elegant swans, busy bees, and sly foxes--all are caricatures of the creatures themselves, yet they reflect not only how different cultures see the natural world around them but also how such cultures make use of their native animals.In this fun and thought-provoking book, historian and animal enthusiast Boria Sax argues for a classification of animals that goes beyond the biological to encompass a more meaningful distinction: tradition.Gather as a family to sing well-loved songs like Amazing Grace and Oh, Freedom, or to read aloud the poetry of such African American luminaries as Langston Hughes, James Weldon Johnson, and Paul Laurence Dunbar.The farm-to-table movement has championed the "second plate," where the meat is from free-range animals and the vegetables are locally sourced.He is a whimsically wise and hysterically funny fellow whom any child (or book buying adult) would be wise to listen to." --Dennis Miller "If you don't buy this book and then your baby dies, how are you going to feel?He reveals, too, the ways savvy businessmen have changed the drink, from frontier merchants who popularized the aging process to the messy soup of spirits that passed for bourbon after the Civil War.Boller doesn't simply debunk each myth, but instead provides us with much fascinating history surrounding each case, so that the reader is treated to intriguing discussions of many singular episodes in American history, including the Kennedy assassination, theMcCarthy hearings, the events leading up to Pearl Harbor, and Watergate.KEY FEATURES Covers achievement testing in special populations (bilingual children, children with ADHD, learning disabilities, or hearing impairments and gender difference in writing.In this book, "Harris and Kuchuck" explore how newly discovered historical and theoretical material has returned Ferenczi to a place of theoretical legitimacy and prominence.Is she alchemist, conjurer, poet, or cook?