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My life regarder en ligne regarder en ligne avec sous-titres anglais QHD

  • all my life n. toute ma vie
  • during all my working life exp. pendant toute ma vie professionnelle
  • all my worldly goods exp. tous mes biens matériels
  • with all my soul adv. de toute mon âme
  • it's all my fault exp. tout est de ma faute ; c'est tout de ma faute
  • I spent all my money on the house. exp. J'ai dépensé tout mon argent sur la maison.
  • All my instincts were against accepting her offer. exp. Tous mes instincts me criaient de décliner l'offre.
  • fuck my life exp. vie de merde

(=existence)vie f
→ a baby's first minutes of life
her last hours of life les dernières heures de sa vie
Your life is in danger. Votre vie est en danger.
Life had not been kind to her. La vie n'avait pas été tendre avec elle.
to risk one's life risquer sa vie
She had risked her life to save mine. Elle avait risqué sa vie pour sauver la mienne.
to spend one's life doing sth passer sa vie à faire qch
People spend their lives worrying about money. Les gens passent leur vie à se soucier d'argent.
to fight for one's life lutter pour sa vie
→ He was in a critical condition, fighting for his life in hospital.
to take sb's life ôter la vie à qn
→ Before execution, he admitted to taking the lives of at least 35 more women.
to take one's own life s'ôter la vie
→ He helped his first wife take her life when she was dying of cancer.
to be scarred for life être marqué (e) à vie
to be sent to prison for life être condamné (e) à la prison à vie
life after death la vie après la mort
→ Do you believe in life after death?
life's too short la vie est trop courte
→ Life is too short to be in a bad relationship.
life's too short for. la vie est trop courte pour.
→ life is too short for instruction manuals
to hang on for dear life (lit, fig) se cramponner comme si sa vie en dépendait
→ One was Mimi, my four-year-old, clinging to a tow rope, bottom out, arms stretched forward, hanging on for dear life as it tugged her up the slope.
→ We were hanging on for dear life. We were expecting to be closed down any day.
I couldn't do it to save my life je serais tout à fait incapable de le faire

(=way of living)vie f
→ the sort of life we can only fantasise about
country life la vie rurale, la vie à la campagne
city life la vie urbaine
one's personal life sa vie personnelle
My personal life has had to take second place to my career. Ma vie personnelle a dû passer après ma carrière.
one's working life sa vie professionnelle
→ Interior designers spend their working lives keeping up to date with the latest trends.

[+person, place] vie f
to be full of life [person, place] être plein (e) de vie
→ The town was full of life.
to come to life [party, social occasion] s'animer
→ suddenly the show came to life
→ Poems which had seemed dull and boring suddenly came to life.

(=living things)vie f
Is there life on Mars? Y a-t-il de la vie sur Mars?
some useful facts about animal and plant life des données utiles sur la vie animale et végétale

(=lifespan) [+equipment, machine] durée f de vie
→ The repairs did not increase the life of the equipment.
The average life of a dishwasher is 10 years. La durée de vie moyenne d'un lave-vaisselle est de 10 ans.

(as opposed to art) true to life réaliste, fidèle à la réalité
to paint from life peindre d'après nature

(=life sentence)
to sentence sb to life condamner qn à la prison à vie
to get life être condamné (e) à la prison à vie
→ She got life for the murder.

[membership, subscription, ban] à vie

daily life
nvie f quotidienne
→ the routines of our daily life

double life
ndouble vie f
→ She threatened to publicly expose his double life if he left her.
to live a double life mener une double vie

n (gen) réalité f . réalité f de la vie
→ Stress is a fact of life from time to time for all of us.

facts of life
npl (sexual) to tell sb about the facts of life expliquer à qn d'où viennent les bébés

family life
nvie f de famille
→. the traditional values of family life

half-life. half life
n [+radioactive substance] demi-vie f
→ a half-life of 200 years

high life
to live the high life mener la grande vie
→. the Hollywood high life.
→ Most large cities are good for business and high life, but not for families on holiday.

kiss of life
n (British) bouche à bouche m
→ Julia was given the kiss of life but she could not be revived.
to give sb the kiss of life faire du bouche à bouche à qn
→ She pulled him out of the lake and gave him the kiss of life.

[film, book, comedy] porteur (-euse) d'un message de vie
→ LANTANA (15): A surprising, life-affirming movie is snatched from the jaws of a dark, complex thriller.
→ I'm writing a series of shows that deal with grief, loss and the abandonment of hope, but I've put them in a context that is hopeful and ultimately life-affirming.

life-and-death. life-or-death
[decision] vital (e)
→ It is demoralising for a junior doctor to be making life-and-death decisions whilst not getting adequate rest.
a life-and-death situation une question de vie ou de mort
→ This was literally a life-or-death situation because if the plane did not reach him in time, exposure would set in.

life-and-death situation
We're dealing with a life-and-death situation here. Nous avons là une situation dans laquelle la vie de quelqu'un est en danger.
→ In a life or death situation people ignore pain
→ My case was not a life-or-death situation

life annuity
npension f . rente f viagère

life assurance
n (British) → life insurance

[+animal, plant] cycle m de vie
→ The dormant period is another stage in the life cycle of the plant.

[+idea, product] cycle m de vie
→ The life cycle of new products in the highly competitive consumer electronics field is becoming ever shorter.

life drawing
ndessin m d'après nature

life expectancy
nespérance f de vie
→ Women have a longer life expectancy than men.

life force. life-force
nforce f vitale
→ Film stars tend to have a life-force about them which draws you to them.
→ Food is considered a sacred sacrament by the Indians, and to eat is to take in the life force of the plant or animal involved.

life history
her life history l'histoire f de sa vie
→ her life history was all over the tabloids
→ By the time the train pulled in I'd heard her entire life history.
→ I've never read anyone's life history and aspired to be like them.
to give sb one's life history raconter sa vie à qn
→ Some people give you their life history without much prompting.

life imprisonment
nréclusion f à perpétuité

nassurance f vie, assurance-vie f

[policy] d'assurance vie
→ I have also taken out a life insurance policy on him just in case.
[company] d'assurance vie
→ Most major life insurance companies sell these bonds.
[industry] de l'assurance-vie

life jacket
ngilet m de sauvetage

life peer
n (British) pair m à vie
→ He was made a life peer in 1991.

life preserver
n (US) (=life jacket)gilet m de sauvetage
→ She said she'd never really been in danger because she'd been wearing a life preserver.

life raft. life-raft
nradeau m de sauvetage

(medically) to be a life-saver sauver des vies
The cervical smear test is a lifesaver. Le frottis cervical sauve des vies.

(=lifeguard)secouriste mf . sauveteur (-euse) m/f

nsecourisme m
→ I've done a course in life-saving.

[drug, operation, treatment] salvateur (-trice)
→ life-saving drugs such as antibiotics
→ She decided her child should go to America for life-saving treatment.

life science
nsciences fpl de la vie

life sentence
npeine f de réclusion à perpétuité
→ Some were serving life sentences for murder.

life-size. life-sized
[statue, model, painting] grandeur nature inv
→. a life-size statue of an Indian boy.

life support
to be on life support être sous assistance respiratoire

life-support machine
n (British) appareil m d'assistance respiratoire
to be on a life-support machine être sous assistance respiratoire
He's on a life support machine. Il est sous assistance respiratoire.
→ He is in a coma and on a life-support machine.

life-support system
nsystème m d'assistance respiratoire

(=work done in the course of one's life)Å“uvres fpl
→ An exhibition of his life's work is being shown in the garden of his home.
→ Britain's leading figurative painter, whose life's work is currently on show at Tate Britain

(=main activity)Å“uvre f d'une vie
They regard it as their life's work. Ils considèrent cela comme l'œuvre de leur vie.
→ the companies are owned by families who regard running the business as their life's work

[disease, injury, emergency] mettant en jeu le pronostic vital, menaçant le pronostic vital
→ children being born with chronic or life-threatening conditions
a life-threatening heart condition une maladie cardiaque menaçant le pronostic vital, une maladie cardiaque mettant en jeu le pronostic vital
→ Caitlin was born with a life-threatening heart abnormality.

life vest. life-vest
adj (US) gilet m de sauvetage

[batteries] longue durée inv

[milk] longue conservation

love life
nvie f sentimentale
→ His love life was complicated, and involved intense relationships.
How's your love life? Comment vont les amours?

marine life
nvie f marine
→ the effects of pollution on marine life

married life
nvie f conjugale

adjcontre l'avortement

[situation, experience, conditions] réel (le)
→ many movies have similarities to real-life situations
a real-life drama un véritable drame
→ A photo session turned into a real-life drama when police turned up at a picture shoot for the latest book about gun crimes.

right to life
ndroit m à la vie

right to life. right-to-life
[group, campaign] antiavortement inv
→. the Right to Life Campaign.

shelf life
n [+product] durée f de conservation
→ This process should give butter a longer shelf life.

social life
nvie f sociale
I have a good social life. Je vois beaucoup de monde.
→ How's your social life these days?

still life
n ( still lifespl ) nature f morte
→ He's done some lovely still lifes.

walk of life
n(=background)milieu m
from all walks of life de tous milieux
→ People from all walks of life went to the party.
→ One of the greatest pleasures of this job is meeting people from all walks of life.

way of life
nmode m de vie
→ Mining activities have totally disrupted the traditional way of life of the Yanomami Indians.
→ She likes it so much it's become a way of life for her.
→. cities where violence is a way of life.

work/life balance
néquilibre m entre vie professionnelle et vie privée

Exemples et traductions en contexte